Good career is change life
Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :
14 Projects
Project 1 - Interfacing a 16*2 LCD with Arduino using I2C protocol
Master Code:#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Library for LCD display functionLiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // Define LCD Module Pins (RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7)void setup(){ lcd.begin(16, 2);}void loop(){ lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Sets cursor at line one of LCD lcd.print(">> Master <<"); // Prints ">>…
30 Jun 2023 02:39 PM IST
Project 2 - Measuring the distance of an object using ultrasonic sensor and also smoothen the sensor data using moving average filter
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> #define trigger 18#define echo 19 LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); float time = 0, distance = 0; void setup(){ lcd.begin(16, 2); pinMode(trigger, OUTPUT); pinMode(echo, INPUT); lcd.print("Ultra Sonic"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Distance Meter"); delay(2000); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Circuit…
02 Jul 2023 08:47 AM IST
Project 1 - V&V SW Analysis - I
Test Plan: Black Box Testing for New Mobile Phone Features Introduction This test plan outlines the testing strategy for evaluating the features of a new mobile phone that is currently under development. The objective is to ensure that the software meets the specified requirements and functions correctly from a user's…
02 Sep 2023 07:10 AM IST
Project 2 - V&V SW Analysis II
Static Code Review Analysis: To perform a static code review analysis, you typically use a code analysis tool or an integrated development environment (IDE) with built-in code analysis features. Popular tools for static code analysis include SonarQube, Checkmarx, and LDRA. Here's a general outline of the process: a. Open…
02 Sep 2023 08:45 AM IST
Project 1 - Implement a fully functional Queue in C language using Linked lists
Part 1: Implement a Queue using Linked List in C code; #include #include // Structure to represent a node in the queue typedef struct Node { float data; struct Node *next; } Node; // Structure to represent a queue typedef struct Queue { Node *front; Node *rear; } Queue; // Function to initialize a…
18 Sep 2023 10:53 AM IST
Project 2 - Integrate following sensors to the Dev Board
Initialize and configure UART for GPS communication with interrupt-based reception. Read GPS data using UART reception interrupt and detect GPS connection/disconnection. Set up I2C communication for IMU sensor (Accelerometer + Gyroscope). Create a task to handle IMU data and separate them based on the sensor type (Accelerometer…
18 Sep 2023 11:26 AM IST
Project 1 - Controlling a DC motor using PWM and monitoring its Running status
Implement a system on the simulator for controlling a DC motor using L293 motor driver, monitor its status and print the running status of motor on the LCD Display. CODE: #include //we are using I/O registers of AVR #define F_CPU 16000000L // define the crystal frequency #include "avr/interrupt.h" // we are using external…
22 Sep 2023 09:40 AM IST
Project 2 - Measuring distance of an object using ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
Aim: To implement code for “Measuring distance of an object using ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04). Objective: Measuring the distance of an object using Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (HC-SR04) Usage of Input Capture Mode Highlights: Measuring the distance travelled by the wave to the object and gets bounced back…
22 Sep 2023 10:20 AM IST
Project 1 - Develop the full featured char driver as a loaded module
To add the module to the Kernel configuration Kconfig build system with tristate option, we need to perform the following steps: 1.Create a Kconfig file in the root directory of your driver source code. This file will define the configuration options for your driver. 2.Define the tristate option for your driver module…
27 Sep 2023 10:53 AM IST
Project 2 - Design and develop the web based Temperature control system using Beagle Bone Black.
Steps: Declare the device information in the device tree by adding the compatible string and properties for the sensor. Initialize the I2C interface for the sensor by registering it with the I2C subsystem. Create a device driver structure that contains the necessary callbacks, such as probe(), read(), and other optional…
27 Sep 2023 11:29 AM IST
Project 1 - Creation of user defined data type to implement the user interfaces for working with ‘Set’ (Mathematical Set theory) using Linked List
#include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Link list node struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; }; //function declaration void push(struct Node** head_ref, int new_data); int isPresent(struct Node* head, int data); // Function to get union of two linked lists head1 and head2 struct…
13 Nov 2023 07:47 AM IST
Project 2 - Implement the Code for controlling the retraction and extension of Airplane’s landing gear
AIM: To control the retraction and extension of Airplane’s landing gear can be implemented using Finite State Machine (FSM). FSM is the most efficient algorithm which is mathematical model of computation. CODE: #include <iostream>using namespace std; string lights,lever; …
13 Nov 2023 08:02 AM IST
Project 3
AIM: Build an object-oriented library which can be used to track automobile maintenance. There can be different car types such as petrol, diesel, gas, electric etc., This library should be able to support at least three of the car types. Maintenance tasks include activities like oil change or replace oil filter,…
26 Nov 2023 01:23 PM IST
Week 1 Understanding Different Battery Chemistry
1) Prepare a table which includes materials & chemical reactions occurring at the anode and cathode of LCO, LMO, NCA, NMC, LFP and LTO type of lithium ion cells.Give your detailed explanation on it. Lithium ion batteries can be designed for optimal capacity with the drawback of limited loading, slow charging and reduced…
26 Nov 2023 01:22 PM IST
7 Course Certificates
Software Verification and Validation and System Testing for Hand Code
Academic Qualification
K.S.K College of Engineering and Technology
01 Jul 2016 - 20 Apr 2020
Native Higher Secondary School
01 Jun 2015 - 28 Apr 2016
Sri K.T.V Higher Secondary School
01 Jun 2013 - 25 Apr 2014
Here are the courses that I have enrolled
13 Hours of Content
20 Hours of Content
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